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please share a piece of writing or a quote that you admire—it can be from a news article, a book, a movie, a song, etc. Please share why you think the writing or quote is important or interesting. Feel free to also make any comments on “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes. You may also use this space to ask any questions about the course. Please also read each other’s posts and say hello and give comments to 2 of your peers.

My names is Joshua Adames. I was born and raised in Queens my whole family is Dominican. I understand spanish pretty well but struggle to speak it. My favorite books are the Percy Jackson series. I am into a lot of spainish music like bachata or dembow which is what I am usually listening to. For hobbies I play video games and workout on occasion. As for goals I want to get a job to live a comfortable life doing what I love I don’t need to be special just a nice place and some friends doing what I love. I do my best thinking alone on walks I take it helps me clear up. I also work well outside which is where I do most work. I feel most like me when alone just haiving fun in videogames or outside since when with others you hide a part of yourself depending on who you are you exagerate to please. Not to say its not you its just not the whole you like lying by ommission. I am a visual learner seeing something done and doing it help me a lot. I am a big night person taking naps during day and staying up most nights. I have no job resume is empty due to covid. I speak a little spanish. I have a dog but moved to manhattan for college so I don’t see her much. I like writing for myself not for others to view. A quote that inspired me is “It’s your life who cares what others think”. It helps me stay confident though the one I live by is “No time is wasted time if you enjoyed it” I don’t remeber their origins but they are ingrained in my mind. To whoever read this full way hope you have a wonderful day whether you like me or not. Remember life’s too short to have enemies.

11th post

Read & Respond to “Quit Social Media: Your Career may Depend on it” by Cal Newport

This article is amazing dur to how it explains the issues with social media. It confronts how bad the misinformation and scewed views actually are.  It acknowledges its purpose and importance but confronts how un healthy it is that it is so prevalenet. Though I do believe it ignores the advantages that are / could be.

Last post

What are your thoughts on Orwell’s “Why I Write” on how he became a writer? Did you find anything insightful? Did the reading reveal anything to you about the value of writing or its process? Are you familiar with Orwell at all?

I thoroughly enjoyed Orwell’s story on how he became a writer relating to it in some ways. I am astounded by his insight into a writer’s mind of now wanting to edit too much due to how deeply connected it is to our ideas which resonated with me since my writing is usually written in the first draft detail added a bit later. It reveals the value and importance of the writing process since it allows us to express thoughts and feelings on the page that we keep within our minds. I also enjoyed the four motives he gave for writing I think it was an interesting thought experiment.