Cover letter
By Joshua Adames
In this essay, I will be writing about the ethical, and legal issues of Genomics. I
will mostly be addressing the issues rather than attempting to solve them all since they
are all quite complex and all rooted in the same place of general worry about the
government not treating privacy or ethics correctly. Within writing this essay I truly
learned how many issues genomics truly contains with it being such a layer set of
issues we deal with today and predict will become an issue later due to how it is
advancing. In hindsight, I could have gone into detail to describe how genomics worked
better and what it was better but that is neither here nor there since the submission time
is here and I must submit. This essay as a whole taught me a lot about genomics and
bioethics as a whole. This understanding of bioethics and genomics with change how I
think about health care and the future as a whole. I will also look deeply at who I vote for
now due to how their decisions could shape the laws of this growing field. The decisions
they make could not only affect America as a whole but the world is too limited or if it is
allowed to be overly abused. This essay has taught me things I will be able to utilize in
my life which I am extremely thankful for because without it I would be in the dark on
these growing issues.